Web-enabled ID labels for personal property.  Protect your lost property!  Receive GPS location of your lost property (with Google map address) after it is scanned by a good samaritan property finder using any smartphone! Enable property finders to contact you by email, text, or voice!  Weatherproof adhesive allows permanent attachment to any hard surface.  The ultimate property location labels!  Ideal for laptops, tablets, smartphones, electronics, sports equipment, helmets, snowboards, or any valuable personal item.

Contains a unique QR code on each property location label that links directly to your contact information online.  When scanned by any good samaritan property finder using any smartphone, you will automatically receive an email or text alert notification!  The alert will contain the date, time, Google map location, and nearest street address (if available) of your property location!  Also, the good samaritan property finder will have the opportunity to contact you directly using any of the means that you allow, such as voice, text, or email.  Maintain all of your contact information in one centralized online account, and exercise complete control of all of your location labels.